viernes, 22 de junio de 2007

Presente simple


Frase afirmativa
Sujeto + verbo --> I go (Yo voy)

Frase negativa

Sujeto + auxiliar en negativo + verbo --> I don't go (Yo no voy)

Frase interrogativa

Auxiliar + sujeto + verbo? -- > Do I go? (¿Voy yo?)

  • El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden repetidamente. Se suele utilizar con los siguientes adverbios de tiempo:
every day - usually - often - sometimes...

- I eat every day at school // Yo como cada día en la escuela.

  • Se utiliza para hablar de acciones de larga duración, hechos científicos o generalidades.

- Elephants live in Africa and India./ Los elefantes viven en África y en India.

  • Ejemplo conjugación del verbo to like
Al conjugar el presente simple se añade una "S" final al verbo de las terceras personas.

I like
You like
She likes
He likes
It likes
We like
You like
They like

Los verbos to be, to have y to do tienen una conjugación diferente a la de los demás verbos.

  • Ejercicios

Pon en orden las siguientes frases como en el siguiente ejemplo:

when / married / young / I / was / I
I married when I was young

Escribe en las cajas de texto, al final del ejercicio encontrarás las respuestas.

1) is / having / he / breakfast

2) every / basketball / play / I / Tuesday

3) 7:30 / gets up / my father / at

4) do / what / every / day / do / you / ?

5) holiday / going / I'm / on / thinking / of

6) I do / read / do / you / books / a lot of / Yes,

7) and / sometimes / the cinema / my friend / I / to / go

8) brother / doesn't / Canada / live / my / in

9) to / How / go / do / your / you / school

10) the summer / really / important / sun cream / wear / it's / to / in

11) days / these / Peter /what / doing / is / ?

12) looking / I'm / for / at / a job / the moment

13) visit / at / I / Christmas / my parents / will

Solución ejercicio:

1. He is having breakfast.
2. I play basketball every tuesday.

3. My father gets up at 7:30

4. What do you do every day?

5. I'm thinking of going on holiday.

6. Do you read a lot of books? Yes, I do.

7. My friend and I sometimes go to the cinema.

8. My brother doesn't live in Canada.

9. How do you go to your school?

10. It's really important to wear sun cream in the summer.
11.What is Peter doing these days?
12. I'm looking for a job at the moment..

13. I will visit my parents at Christmas.

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